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Other Records

(Note-NOT to be used for requesting Marriage or Adoption Records)


To order a certified copy of a court record, please follow one of the following options.

1) You can send an e-mail to the court requesting a certified or a plain copy of a court record. In the body of your e-mail message, please provide the following information:

          a) Case Number
          b) Case Name
          c) Indicate whether you want a certified or plain copy.
          d) If known, include the date that the document was filed with 
              the court.
          e) Number of copies desired
          f) Any additional information that may assist in the processing 
             of your request
          g) Include your name along with your firm name, if any, 
              complete address and phone number, inc. area code.


Please send your e-mail request to:
After receiving your request, we will reply to your e-mail and notify you of the amount of pages involved, which will determine the cost. You can then mail to us the fee associated with your request and we will then mail the documents back to you. You may also come into the court to pick up your documents C.O.D.


2) You can follow this link, Certified Copy Request Form, and fill out the form or print the form for future use. You can then mail the form back to us or fax the form to us. We will contact you by phone or e-mail to let you know the cost of your request. After payment is received, we will send the copies out to you within 3-5 days from receipt of your payment. You may also come in to pick up your copies C.O.D. Please allow 3-5 days prior to coming in to pick up your documents. 


Generally the cost of copies is $.05 cents per page and if you wish that the document be certified, then there is an additional cost of $1.00.`There are some exceptions to this such as Birth and Death Records which are $5.00 per copy plus $1.00 for certification, Marriage Records, such as a copy of a Marriage Application, which is $5.00 per copy plus $1.00 for certification or a Marriage Certificate, which is $2.00 per copy which includes the certification.


It is always better to contact the Court in advance to determine the proper Court Costs for any given document or set of documents. 


You may send your request to:


Lucas County Probate Court
Lucas County Court House
700 Adams Street, Suite 200
Toledo, Ohio 43604
Attention: Copy Department


You may also fax your request to (419)213-4764

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